Tag: Security Posture

  • PyRIT for LLM Security

    Microsoft launched PyRit (Python Risk Identification Tool) back in 2024 this serves as a open source framework to identify risk with Generative AI systems using the framework to test with multiple methods of attacks. Given the expansion of methods for Jailbreaking systems this allows for the dynamic adaption of attacks to quickly automate processes of…

  • Garak Red Teaming LLMs

    As Generative AI is playing a role in multiple organizations so is the popularity of tools for identifying risks and vulnerabilities. In this blog I’m exploring Garak a LLM vulnerability scanner developed by NVIDIA and is a OSS project to help strengthen LLM Security. When the term “Red Team” appears in the approach of simulation…

  • Bill of Materials CKS Refresher

    A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is like the ingredients list on your food package—it reveals what components, libraries, and dependencies go into building the final software. Just as checking food labels helps you understand nutritional content and potential allergens, an SBOM provides transparency into third-party components, helping identify vulnerabilities early in the software supply…

  • Simulating Kubernetes Attacks with Detection of Falco + Tetragon

    Microsoft recently released an open-source repository designed to simulate attacks on Kubernetes clusters, showcasing the detection capabilities of Defender for Cloud sensors. However, this tool can also be extended to work with other Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) for monitoring Kubernetes environments. As with any detection solution, it is crucial to rigorously test various attack scenarios…

  • Artifact Registry VEX in GCP

    Introduction Vulnerability Exchange (VEX) or Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange is a communication format that is used to share detailed information about the exploitability of vulnerabilities in software products. VEX documents provide essential details about vulnerabilities, focusing on whether they are exploitable in the specific context of the software or environment in which they are found. Given…

  • Google Cloud Privileged Access Management

    Today’s vast array of identities whether they are human-centric identities or machine-identities have a large amount of permissions tied to them, given the attack surface of cloud identities can be tied to resources that are also mapped to other services this can be a sticky situation. Most hyperscalers have best practices documented on Identity and…

  • Defender for Containers (CWPP)

    If you’re managing production-grade workloads on a major cloud platform, it’s essential to assess your security framework, particularly as you shift towards microservices and orchestration. A key yet often overlooked solution in this space is Microsoft Defender for Containers. Part of the broader Microsoft Defender for Cloud, this tool provides critical visibility and protection for…

  • AWS Config

    Cloud operations with the control plane leverage a large amount of API’s and permissions behind the scenes abstracted from the end users. To continuously address these changes and states in your environment natively you can use AWS Config. Visually the set up for this in a simple configuration is shown below to illustrate the service…

  • KubeArmor Explored

    KubeArmor is a cloud-native runtime security enforcement system that works with restricting behavior (this resides with execution, file access, and network operations) of pods, containers, and nodes (VM’s) at the system level. The way this tool works is by using Linux Security Modules which to no surprise are enamored in the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist…

  • Otterize Intent Based Access Control in Kubernetes

    Introduction Otterize is a organization that provides open-source CLI tool and a cloud-managed platform for managing kubernetes policies in a client-centric manner. In a nutshell, instead of mapping network policies depending on the CNI that you’re utilizing either Cilium, Calico, or Flannel this will alter the normal syntax you can put Intent-based for the workloads…