Tag: Multi-cloud

  • Wazuh on Kubernetes

    Wazuh is a open-source XDR and SIEM with cloud workload protection in this blog post we are covering the kubernetes deployment of resources for Wazuh in a cluster. For starters we are going to need to clone our repo to follow along mind you I’m hosting this in AKS. For clusters involving EKS in the…

  • Paralus Secure Kubernetes Access in AKS

    Introduction Paralus is a CNCF project in sandbox status that I’ve sat through a series of use cases in the Cloud Native Security Conference a good while back and felt like this deserved more attention for areas of focus that many organizations are struggling with providing remote access to clusters securely without running up costs…

  • Chaos Studio Experiments in AKS

    Introduction Chaos Studio was presented as a service in Microsoft Azure that is to measure and understand your applications service resilience, I’ve wrote about using LitmusChaos previously in a blog but felt like I could create more on this topic as application resiliency is not only pivotal to organizations operations. Chaos Engineering is the practice…

  • Conftest in Terraform in Action

    Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, ensuring the security and compliance of infrastructure has become paramount. Open Policy Agent (OPA) is a CNCF-graduated open-source project that utilizes rego policies for enforcement. With its ability to expand to multiple resources and its relatively easy-to-pick-up syntax, OPA has gained significant popularity. In this blog post, we…

  • Kubernetes Bill of Materials – Supply Chain Security

    Software Bill of Materials has grown in popularity and adoption from many open source software projects to provide transparency of software supply chain attestation of packages associated with the build of the software. While the aim of Software Bill of Materials aims to reduce or be the front protection in the movement behind software supply…

  • Azure Kubernetes Service Gateway API for Containers (Backend MTLS)

    Background Application Gateway for Containers is a new feature offering for Azure Kubernetes Service that encompasses native capabilities and extends the use of services by implementing a Application Load Balancer controller to facilitate operations. Options of going more native to Kubernetes is really a strong suit of Azure that the operations that allows your organization…

  • Application Gateway for Containers in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

    Most of the production recommendations in regards to Azure Kubernetes Service was directed to use native Application Gateway Ingress Controller. I’ve heard mixed uses of this being cumbersome and tedious that others have opted for use of nginx-ingress controller. As of this week the (preview) for Application Gateway for Containers is able to be used…

  • Google Kubernetes with Prometheus

    If you’ve been following along in the previous posts I’ve also stated that I’d release more content in regards to infrastructure as code and cloud native security content. Like anything if you’d like to follow along this time I’ll actually have a git repo for you to clone and work through should you like to…

  • Multi-tenancy in Kubernetes with Kiosk

    Multi-tenancy shouldn’t be unfamiliar to those who’ve already adopted some type of cloud model regardless if it’s hybrid and not full cloud-native. This also has been a area of adoption in the realm of kubernetes as likely every organization is facing financial optimization decisions. Today’s blog post explores the tool known as Kiosk that is…

  • Kubernetes with Calico – BYOCNI

    Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service opens up a whole world of exploration with the option for the customer to bring in container network interfaces of your choice. Wait what’s a Container Network Interface? Okay, lets start at the top for Kubernetes to communicate with networking services a Container Network Interface is needed the Cloud Native Computing…