Author: rodrigtech

  • How to Evaluate a Cloud Native Application Platform: What to evaluate and consider

    In order to evaluate a cloud native application platform, it is important to understand what to look for and the different aspects of architecture. There are many benefits to using a cloud native application platform, including the ability to scale applications and manage resources more effectively. When choosing a platform, it is important to consider…

  • Chaos Engineering with Litmus on AKS

    Litmus Chaos Engineering Litmus chaos engineering is a powerful tool that can help you harness the power of chaos engineering concepts. By combining litmus with chaos engineering, you can create a powerful resilience testing strategy that can help improve the stability of your system. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using…

  • Falco and Falcosidekick UI Detection across Kubernetes

    Falco has solidified its holding in the cloud native security space featuring detection of events that can give you visibility into your clusters operations. It’s likely your organization uses a medium to communicate to incident response or security operations teams that allows alerts to be routed or disseminated in a fashion with some quick context…

  • Open Service Mesh in Kubernetes

    Open Service Mesh (OSM) is a popular open-source service mesh technology developed by Microsoft. It provides a simple, lightweight, and efficient way to manage and secure microservices-based applications in a cloud-native environment. In this blog post, we will explore the key features of OSM, its benefits, and technical examples that match various business cases. What…

  • AKS Running Istio and Prometheus

    Terraform by popularity and selection is by far the premier Infrastructure as Code go to for most Infrastructure due to the ability to universally move from one CSP to another. In this blog I will use a few modules such as kubectl and helm that will be used to install Istio on AKS. I’ve been…

  • Azure Chaos Studio – Chaos Engineering in the Cloud

    If you’re looking to stress test your application on Azure, then Azure Chaos Studio is a tool you’ll want to check out. In this blog post, we’ll give an overview of what Azure Chaos Studio is and some of its key features. We’ll also discuss the benefits of stress testing your application with Azure Chaos…

  • Azure CNI Powered by Cilium

    What Is Cilium and How Does It Work? Cilium is an open source networking and security solution for containers that can be used on premises or in the cloud. It provides a high performance, scalable way to secure communications between containers without the need for a central controller. Cilium uses the Linux kernel’s built-in networking…

  • Service Mesh in GCP with Linkerd

    Linkerd is a service mesh solution that provides a transparent layer of network communication between microservices in a Kubernetes cluster. Service meshes help to address many of the challenges faced in microservice architecture, such as service discovery, traffic management, load balancing, and security. While of course a service mesh may not be needed depending on…

  • Istio: The Powerhouse Behind Kubernetes Networking and Security

    What is Istio? Istio is a service mesh that enables microservices to interact with each other securely and efficiently. Istio provides a range of capabilities that make it easier to develop, deploy, and manage microservices, including traffic management, service discovery, load balancing, rate limiting, and service-to-service authentication. Why use Istio? Istio provides a range of…

  • Admission Controllers in Kubernetes

    Admission Controllers and Restrict Operations in Kubernetes Admission controllers and restrictions are an important part of securing a Kubernetes cluster. In this blog post, we’ll give an overview of what admission controllers are, what restrictions are available, and how to configure them. We’ll also discuss the benefits of using admission controllers and some strategies for…