Author: rodrigtech

  • Chaos Mesh on EKS

    Introduction Ensuring the reliability and resilience of modern cloud-native applications is crucial, especially as services scale to support more users and traffic. One effective approach is chaos engineering – intentionally introducing failures, delays, and other adverse conditions to evaluate a system’s response and ability to recover. By proactively testing how an application behaves under chaotic…

  • Azure Kubernetes Service with Notary and Ratify

    Introduction Azure Kubernetes Service while having many additions and capabilities continues to implement more native security controls and recently announced the use of signed images with leveraging the open-source project Ratify for a parameter known as ImageIntegrity. This is not only a step-forward of first party native capabilities but also a guard-rail that extends the…

  • SigNoz Open-Source Telemetry in AKS

    Introduction SigNoz is a open-source project with a paid SaaS offering of observability for your infrastructure, previously very few players were existing in this space notable are Elastic, Prometheus, however if you notice these goals of these organizations was a solution for one area. Due to this the approach at least from what I can…

  • Wazuh on Kubernetes

    Wazuh is a open-source XDR and SIEM with cloud workload protection in this blog post we are covering the kubernetes deployment of resources for Wazuh in a cluster. For starters we are going to need to clone our repo to follow along mind you I’m hosting this in AKS. For clusters involving EKS in the…

  • Kargo by Akuity CD of the Future

    Introduction Kargo is a new tool presented by Akuity that aims at treating your releases as stages rather than environments shifting from deliver of the artifacts that are produced in CI pipelines as in continuous delivery the packaged artifact moves from different areas as needed uat, dev, prod. While ArgoCD revolutionize the use of GitOps…

  • Paralus Secure Kubernetes Access in AKS

    Introduction Paralus is a CNCF project in sandbox status that I’ve sat through a series of use cases in the Cloud Native Security Conference a good while back and felt like this deserved more attention for areas of focus that many organizations are struggling with providing remote access to clusters securely without running up costs…

  • Chaos Studio Experiments in AKS

    Introduction Chaos Studio was presented as a service in Microsoft Azure that is to measure and understand your applications service resilience, I’ve wrote about using LitmusChaos previously in a blog but felt like I could create more on this topic as application resiliency is not only pivotal to organizations operations. Chaos Engineering is the practice…

  • Conftest in Terraform in Action

    Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, ensuring the security and compliance of infrastructure has become paramount. Open Policy Agent (OPA) is a CNCF-graduated open-source project that utilizes rego policies for enforcement. With its ability to expand to multiple resources and its relatively easy-to-pick-up syntax, OPA has gained significant popularity. In this blog post, we…

  • Kubernetes v1.28.0 Validating Admission Policies

    Kubernetes recently dubbed “Planternetes” with a large amount of enhancements, notably I’m covering some aspects of new releases in security features and Validating Admission Policies stood out to me. I’ve created a script using bash and kind with proper configuration for you to run this demo. I’m running on Ubuntu you can use macOS or…

  • Kubernetes Bill of Materials – Supply Chain Security

    Software Bill of Materials has grown in popularity and adoption from many open source software projects to provide transparency of software supply chain attestation of packages associated with the build of the software. While the aim of Software Bill of Materials aims to reduce or be the front protection in the movement behind software supply…