PowerBI – Exploring New Years Resolution

While DA-100 has certainly proved to be a challenge for me, I’ve still enjoying the useful of visuals and diagrams of presenting data.

For the data I’m presenting today, is a peak of a report I quickly put together based on New Years Resolutions.

Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/andrewmvd/new-years-resolutions

Start by understanding this data but its usability was ranked 10 out of 10.

As you can see from above I’ve used a donut chart that separates the topics by the categories. This has the labels shown as females and males per category. As you can see the difference is substantial and able to be articulated clearly from the picture. I’ve also added the key influencers on the right to decipher more information from the data, this can be selected by category and is used to show the region with categories listed as a New Years Resolution.

Why this dataset?

I like to believe everyone has goals of some sort throughout life, and its an interesting take on seeing what each state has listed as the category for the New Years Resolution and to also see the difference of gender being labeled really shows granularity. I’ve additionally added more clarity in the lower table on the bottom left with resolution topics and has the state listed just for a clear topic description. While this is by tweets and not by any means a summary of everyone’s resolution its a big portion of data.

PowerBI has many uses and from finishing the Business Intelligence course, my professor always stated “if you have to explain your visual its not a good visual”. I’ve taken this on board and obviously welcome feedback for the dashboard.